LEAP To End Homelessness 13.1+10K+5K Run, Walk, Jog!

Join us to kick off National Hunger and Homelessness week at LEAP To End Homelessness 5K,10K+Half Marathon, hosted by A Grateful Mind International on Sunday, November 17! Run, walk or jog through nature's wooded trails and terrains to represent how homeless individuals & families with children sleep in the woods calling cardboard boxes and tents home, not knowing where their next meal is coming from . This family-friendly event is a chance to have fun, meet new faces and get fit for a cause in support of helping more families emerge from poverty and homelessness! A Grateful Mind International, since 2011, has been dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness for individuals and families with children in the regions they operate. Through outreach, housing, education and skills training, A Grateful Mind helps to empower, transition and rebuild the lives of those experiencing or at risk of homelessness by providing wrap-around services for each individual to overcome the root causes of their episode of homelessness through a scalable model that leads to sustained, self-sufficiency. Register now and be part of this exciting semi-annual run! Sponsor and runners welcome. Rain or shine let's LEAP To End Homelessness to impact lives! www.AGratefulMind.org

Date & Time

  • November 17, 2024


  • Atlanta, GA


  • 13.1
  • 10K
  • 5K