Join our Beltline Run Club weekly newsletter here and never miss a run!
See the route beforehand on our Strava!
Club group runs rotate weekly between the Southside, Eastside and Westside Atlanta Beltline trails. Runners and walkers will gather in the following locations:

Gatherings begin at 6:15 p.m. on Thursday evenings, with two to four mile runs/walks beginning promptly at 6:30 p.m. The routes will be designed and guided by staff and volunteers from Atlanta Track Club and Atlanta Beltline Partnership. Following the run/walk, participants will enjoy food and beer specials as well as raffle prizes like free race entries, Atlanta Track Club apparel and Atlanta Beltline merchandise.
The weekly group run/walks are free and open to people of all ages and abilities. Locations and weather interruptions will be posted on the Atlanta Track Club and Beltline social media pages.
In case of an emergency, please first dial 911. Beltline Run Club Emergency Number: (404) 692-1902